
A Blessing To The Nations

a visionary Christian ministry with a passion to lead the lost to Jesus Christ and then to equip those saints to build the kingdom of God

Our Mission

and Ministry Purpose

A Blessing To The Nations is a visionary Christian ministry with a passion to lead the lost to Jesus Christ and then to equip those saints to build the kingdom of God. Our desire is to train evangelists for door-to-door ministry, and to teach them to effectively witness the love of Christ in their homes, schools and marketplace. We are a church-planting ministry desiring to be to A Blessing to All of the Nations!
Gary Vanover started this ministry in 2003. A Blessing to the Nations is a nonprofit 501(c)3 ministry. We have a passion to lead the lost to Jesus Christ and then to equip those new saints to build the Kingdom of God. For years, I prayed, “Lord, either take this passion away or help me raise the money to move from working full-time to full-time ministry.” After almost 20 years of ministry I can honestly say. “Lord, please don’t take this passion away. Give me more passion for the lost and hurting.”
We have a vision to reach every people group throughout the nations for Jesus Christ! While doing so, we want to equip those saints to build God’s Kingdom while here on earth. Our family has a burning passion for God’s children. We currently attend Christ Fellowship Atlanta. We minister in and from our home in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) and are full-time missionaries.

Missionaries Supported By

A Blessing To The Nations



Miguel has faithfully served under A Blessing To The Nations for 18 years. He started off as my driver, bodyguard and translator. As he matured and grew in the Lord, B2N was instrumental in helping him start and plant four new churches in Guatemala. Miguel is now in demand as an international speaker and prophet, and travels regularly to Chile, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, Cuba, El Salvador and Honduras. Miguel, as all my other staff members, were encouraged to mentor and train up future pastors and leaders. He has added a bright and gifted young man, that is very gifted by the name of Armando, who now continues to travel with both Miguel and myself as we travel Guatemala preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Betty Moody


Betty is in her 20th year working and traveling for A Blessing To The Nations. Not only in Panama, but also in Chile, Peru, Mexico, Costa Rica and the United States. Her main responsibility now is to continue to develop our AWANA chapters in her home country of Panama. Before the pandemic Betty was averaging in 200 to 300 children every week studying the word of God through that Bible memorization program. After the shutdown, she is slowly reestablishing and strengthening those programs. Her second responsibility is to oversee the rebuilding of our mission house in Panama after three hurricanes stalled over our the city last year. We are taking the approach of that what the devil meant for evil, God meant for good as we will be adding a Christian Academy to the new rebuilt mission house. Finally, Betty is in charge of organizing all of the prayers for those who oversee B2N ministries and their leaders in the different countries.

Simon Chabinga

South Africa / Zambia

The Apostle Simon has been connected to a part of our ministry for the past 16 sixteen years. He works tirelessly in the kingdom not only as a powerful evangelist but as a gifted teacher and dynamic preacher. He is presently working on his mission house in South Africa that will also include four rooms that he will be able to rent out. The additional $500 a month in rent will help supplement his the income that B2N is partially providing Simon now. As with all our leaders, we provide a small monthly support for them and then we encourage them to come up with some exciting outreaches that we then pray about how much and how many of these outreaches that we can participate in this the upcoming year. In 2005, my dear friend and the late Bishop of Zambia, Bishop Phiri, introduced me to Simon Chabinga who is a hard, very tireless worker for the kingdom.



George is a faithful and hard-working addition to the ministry. I originally connected with George in 2004 as he was assigned to my ministry to help navigate some of the difficult backwoods jungles of Africa. When I returned to Zambia in 2006 I had a team of eight evangelists that traveled with me as we did door to door, village to village, hut to hut evangelism. Eight of us worked tirelessly for a solid week, resulting in and we had a total of 500 salvations. Finally at the end of that week, we had enough to start a new church in that the village of Chongwe Zambia. Not only is George a dedicated evangelist, but he is always able to go to the highways and byways and find those that are really hurting, the downtrodden, those individuals that the world has somehow neglected them. As with all my ministry leaders, I challenged him George to find another young man that he could mentor. as I believe that the team members should be sent out 2 by 2 for the gospel. He has introduced Stanley to our ministry, and we are also providing support for him Stanley as he travels at least 3 to 4 times a year into the backcountry to do for evangelism, Bible studies, and meeting basic humanitarian needs of the people provided by B2N.



Pastor Mathew is dedicated The dedication to making sure the gospel is preached with inerrancy and infallibility is certainly a characteristic that pastor Mathew operates in. His desire is to continually preach and stress the need for healing in the body of Christ today. Matthew, along with all of our leaders in Africa, have contracted malaria and have survived. He holds regular evangelism outreaches, but his specialty is his ability to reach bring young girls who are abandoned on the streets of Zambia. Most of these girls would have been sold into prostitution without the help of our pastors like Mathew who go to the highways and byways and snatch the girls out of the hands of evil pimps. Our pastors, like Mathew, search for and snatch girls out of the hands of evil pimps. Without their help, most of these girls would have been sold into prostitution.



Kafwanka is also was one of the original eight men who crisscrossed Africa with me in 2004, 2005 AND and 2006. They say that breaking bread together with your friends creates a bond. Walking tirelessly across Africa and sharing the gospel created the deepest bond I can imagine. I am really fortunate to have these men on our staff at B2N. Kafwanka is a gifted teacher of the word, and his encouragement has resulted in many either making a commitment to Jesus Christ or deepening their relationship with the Lord. He is also is instrumental in bringing children at risk off the streets that would be subjected to AIDS or prostitution.



I told all my team leaders to dream bigger and they certainly are for 2022. The apostle Brian’s gifting is counseling those who have been devastated by the AIDS epidemic in Africa. While he as all my team members have a tremendous heart for the lost, Brian he especially wants to counsel the young orphans who are without parents and families. He works tirelessly to find them permanent shelter. Otherwise, all the young children that are street kids wind up going end up into prostitution, or just abandoned on the streets to die. He has made his commitment to making a difference tofor these young children that are wandering the streets of Zambia.

Rev. Panda


In 2021, B2N began partnering with some of the projects that Rev. Panda was coordinating. He holds massive evangelism campaigns to win the lost. He equips them with Bibles and tracts and directs them to churches. He is instrumental in planting churches and raising up evangelists and equipping them with monthly support, bicycles, Bibles and tracts. We were so fortunate to be able to connect with such a man of God as Rev. Panda and his incredible work being accomplished throughout all of India. B2N participated in helping to equip five evangelists with bicycles, Bibles and tracts. We also provided some 300 Bibles for the believers that resulted from one of Rev. Panda’s evangelistic campaigns. This year of 2022, we are planning to help them plant a church, support their efforts with bicycles, Bibles and tracts.

Fredrick Yaro


Pastor Frederick has been connected to B2N for 15 years and is our biggest church in Africa. We were given the opportunity to purchase two acres of land in a village with no Christian churches anywhere near that village. The village chief said if we would build the church that the community could use, he would let us have two acres for $800. This began an exciting time of building a big church in witchcraft country. Our whole team learned about spiritual warfare, and doing prophetic acts of declaration on our property. Three times, witches came over and pushed the walls down on our church. Every time I had Frederick send the Masons over and rebuild the fallen walls. In late fall of 2021, pastor Frederick received word from the main witches in the area they had given up trying to put voodoo curses on our church as nothing worked. They wanted to come see him about being a part of our church. Prayer works! Pastor Frederick is slowly developing a body of believers that he is disciplining with regular Bible studies and weekly visits into the village to evangelize. He takes beans and rice to those that are really hurting. In Ghana water is a scarcity, but we drilled the well and God allowed us to hit water in 30 feet. Our long-range plan is to develop a community bathhouse available for the villagers, and eventually build a vocational training center there on our two acres.

Pastor Joshua

Kenya / South Africa

Pastor Joshua oversees our Kenya mission that houses 50 widows and their children. B2N provides them housing and two meals a day. Pastor Joshua and his wife, Abigail, continually search for those who are hurting, hungry, need shelter or need assistance in any area of their lives that would allow B2N to be of assistance. Just recently B2N completed an eight month investment into a fish farm that resulted in a gross profit of $2800. We immediately invested $2000 of the profit into the startup of a new church plant in Kenya. We plan to use the other $800 for a village wide evangelism campaign. Please review the reflections newsletter of 2021 to see the exciting program we started on Lake Victoria in Kenya. We are presently looking into the possibility of starting another fish farm that will be larger with a greater expected return. This investment is a good way to eventually cut down the cost of what B2N outlays monthly into the Kenya ministry.

Keep Us On

the Mission Field

A Blessing To The Nations a nonprofit 501(c)3 ministry. All donations made are tax-deductable. Upon request, we will gladly share with you our full, yearly budget estimation as well as our previous year spending. Please prayerfully consider sowing into this ministry, A Blessing to the Nations, Inc. I will be diligent to prove that A Blessing To The Nations is good soil in which to sow your seed.
Please consider supporting our ministry as we continue God’s work overseas!

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