Short Stories From

A Blessing To The Nations

a visionary Christian ministry with a passion to lead the lost to Jesus Christ and then to equip those saints to build the kingdom of God

Read Excerpts

of Short Stories

Use the links below to read short excerpts from Pastor Gary’s book, “Apprehended by the Holy Ghost”.

Romans Road

Oreo Cookies

2 Translators
in Panama

Santos, Simone and Rocky

Michael in Peru – A Divine Appointment

My Commitment As A Christian

Keep Us On

the Mission Field

A Blessing To The Nations a nonprofit 501(c)3 ministry. All donations made are tax-deductable. Upon request, we will gladly share with you our full, yearly budget estimation as well as our previous year spending. Please prayerfully consider sowing into this ministry, A Blessing to the Nations, Inc. I will be diligent to prove that A Blessing To The Nations is good soil in which to sow your seed.
Please consider supporting our ministry as we continue God’s work overseas!

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