South Africa Ministry of

A Blessing To The Nations

a visionary Christian ministry with a passion to lead the lost to Jesus Christ and then to equip those saints to build the kingdom of God

Our South Africa

Ministry Partners

Apostle Simon Chabinga

Apostle Simon of Zambia continues to do work in Zambia, South Africa and presently in Zanzibar. He oversees his organization of Simon Chabinga Global ministries from his headquarters in Lusaka, Zambia as well as trains pastors and leaders under the umbrella of A Blessing to the Nations. He is married to Flora Chabinga who is a valued intercessor for B2N. He has two children, Faith and Shadrack. His main focus is to follow the vision of B2N by Winning the lost, Discipling them, Equipping the Saints and then sending them to complete the B2N mission statement.
The upcoming plans will be a Revival crusade to the states in June and then to South Africa in July. Also, he will conduct a large pastors training conference in South Africa. In the month of August, he will be leading an international Azusa street revival. And another revival in Livingston, Zambia in October. Simon conducts a large Christmas party for an orphanage B2N is connected with in South Africa touching the lives of the less fortunate. A big desire of Simon is to complete his church office and apartment there in South Africa to further the work there.

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South Africa

Ministry Update

South Africa is a country that is really open to the gospel as many young people fill auditorium after auditorium to hear about the life-saving message of Jesus Christ. Apostle Simon Chambinga continues to train up future apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.

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